Start Blogging

Update: I find it is more convinent to read in Chinese since it's my native language. Multi-languages support should under-consideration. But I don't find a good solution until now. Therefore, I temporarily change the main langauge of the site as Chinese.

Hello, world! I'm so excited to write my first blog. In this blog, I wanna express the motivation of blogging, and also make a plan about what to write.

Why blogging

As a programmer, shell is our best friend. We use command line to install packages, to compile and execute program. But at the most time, we cannot remember every command and also it is really common to meet error when execute command. We need external source to solve the problem. At that time, Google is our best friend. I really spend a lot of time in googling.

When I first met the problem, Googling is the only option. But what about the second, third time? It's time to write solutions down as notes.

In what way should I keep notes? MS Word, LaTeX or markdown? MS Word is definitely not the option. LaTeX is powerful for processing math formula and writing beautiful articles, but too complicate to just for noting. So markdown is my choice.

In macOS, there are many note apps support markdown language, such as Ulysses, Bear and Typora. Ulysses and Bear are library-based apps, both of them support tagging and reference, easy for orginize notes. But they not support math symbol and not very flexible when writing code. Typora do support math and code well, but it is folder-based, means not support for tagging and reference.

What if I edit my notes with typora, which support math and code well, and publish it to a website, which support reference and metadata like tags and categories.

That's the solution I am using now: typora + Hexo.

Why not write in Chinese

The main reason is about communities. When I search for a solution, the results from Chinese communities are really poor.

I won't discuss the poor internet environment of our country in this post. But the turth is that I add lr=lang_en to the url of googling to force the webpages returned are in English. It's really cool if when googling, my blogs are contained in the result. Only happens when I write in English. Moreover, there are many terms I don't know how to express in Chinese.

The second reason is to imporve my poor English writing. Hope someday I can ask questions and push issues on English community frequently.

Finally, they are just my notes. I only need explain clear to myself. Typo is OK. Grammar err is OK. Take it easy!

What to write

Since It's my first blog, I really don't know how powerful Hexo is and what can I do with it. So I will rewirte this section after few weeks. But there are certain things I am sure to write.

  1. My research and reading notes.

  2. Write down the problem I meet and the solution of it.

  3. Setup of some useful tools. The next post I wanna to write is about raspberry pi.

  4. Make plan and set goals.

  5. Maybe some comment and complaint about our social.
